Question: How hard it is to code summertime saga?

  • How hard it is to code summertime saga?

  • Pretty easy actually. The hardest part is to implement some of the specfic features an update may require.

    For instance, the pregnancy system, and switching diane's home to a barn, were not straightforward features to implement. The most fun I have is with the minigames. Minigames are done with CDDs which gives me a lot of control over how the sprites are rendered, where they are rendered, how to handle the events, and all of that fun stuff.

    Aside from that, implementing new quests can get tedious at times, because I have to navigate through all of the game's files to get to the correct one, and that can be a little annoying because the game is so big.

    Adding new core features is definitely fun as well, even though it's more on the complicated side more often than not. For instance, for 0.18, I started implementing a new mod manager feature, to enable and disable mods at will. Adding hooks for the mods into the game is definitely tedious work, but coding the mod manager itself was and is very fun.

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